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Geomats are three-dimensional water permeable polymer or other synthetical materials’ structures, thermally jointed with each other.

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Geomats are three-dimensional water permeable polymer or other synthetical materials’ structures, thermally jointed with each other. They are used for fixing soil elements, grass and small plants roots, also applied in geotechnics and other construction fields. Geomats are produced in form of regular or random oriented three-dimensional yarn structures or in form of honeycombs or other geotextile or plastic band constructions.

Geomats are applied to create stable vegetation along river, pond banks and slopes to prevent erosion processes of surfaces. Geomats in form of stereoscopic honeycomb constructions are used in combination with geotextiles to reinforce foundations and increase bearing resistance. High resistance to UV, light weight and easy installation are the advantages of this product.

Main application objects of the materials:

- Protection from hydro erosion, eolation and landslides in road construction

- Reinforcement of slopes, banks, collecting gutters, subgrades

- Landscape gardening

- Construction of platforms with natural vegetation

- Reinforcement of coast line

- Landscape architecture

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