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Drainage in excavations


Drainage in excavations

Designing of drainage system
Implementation of drainage system
Operation and maintenance of drainange system
Drainage systems designing is based on the principles of geotechnical engineering and controlled by geotechnical software.

Drainage systems have become complex plans which not only permit a property owner or site manager to dispose of unwanted or runoff water but minimize the impact of this water on other properties which may be miles away. Today, drainage systems are integral to any application for building permits and must be part of the overall site development plan.

Possible threats posed by underground water and sewer in excavation are:

Reducing the bearing capacity of the soil under the foundation

Settlement and destruction of the foundation

Damage to structures

Falling boreholes

Problems during the execution of shotcrete

Practical problems for machines such as getting stuck in the mud

Increasing the time and cost of the project

Drainage is the natural or artificial removal of surface and sub-surface water from an area.

Dranage systems

Water always in the surface and underground structures is very unpleasant and disturbing. Water can be the worst enemy and ruin or destroy a construction. The amount of water can cause a disruption in the excavation of project.

Drainage is important to the successful function of a project site. Drainage helps guide water flow (from rain or irrigation) in order to remove it from the ground surface.

Poor drainage can cause hydroplaning, if water begins to fill ruts in a roadway. Poor drainage can cause foundation damage to a building or home.

Possible threats on construction posed by underground water and sewage include:

1. The reduction of the bearing capacity of the soil under the foundation

2. The destruction of the foundations

3. Damage to structures

4. problems during the execution of shotcrete,

5. increasing the time and cost of the project.

6.Concrete cracks: cracks in a foundation walls of concrete or masonry compromises the structures ability to provide a barrier to water entry. Causes of cracks are settlement, expensive soils ,frost ,shrinkage due to natural process of concrere curing.

7. Hydrostatic Pressure: Ground water pressure build up that exerts lateral and vertical pressures on the foundation structure

 8.Capillary Action: The movement of liquid moisture through a structure or substrate (concrete) using voids and fissures in the material acting as a path for water travel

 9. Vapor Transmission: The movement of air borne moisture through a structure or substrate due to vapor pressure equalization (high concentration to low concentration)

10. Condensation : The formation of liquid moisture on or within a structure or substrate due to the airborne moisture concentration and temperature conditions being ideal for water to form

Importance of Drainage Systems

Without proper drainage, homes can easily become damaged or flooded. One of the best benefits of having a drainage system installed, inside or outside, is that it can help prevent water damage and structural issues.

Without a proper drainage system, a basement is more likely to flood which can cause water damage to the surrounding area. If the mess is not cleaned up immediately, mold can begin to grow which can cause a host of adverse health effects, including respiratory problems and fungal infections.

Water damage can also cause structural problems to the foundation of a construction.

Concrete begins to crack and crumble when it has been exposed to water for prolonged periods of time. Additionally, wood and drywall can rot away leading to the infestation of pests, like termites and carpenter ants, in your home. One of the best benefits of a drainage system is the preventative action taken against the problems water damage can cause.

Types of Residential Drainage Systems

There are four main types of residential drainage systems: surface, subsurface, slope, downspout and gutters.

Surface Drainage System

For surface drainage to be successful, ditches must be dug in a parallel pattern. The ditches are shallow and will act as canals for run-off water. The ditches will lead the water into the main drain or away from the home to avoid water pooling or flooding. Surface drains are an absolute must if the area is flat since water pooling could potentially cause problems in an area that has a lot of precipitation.  This can be done around buildings, walkways or driveways to keep water flowing away from the structure.

Subsurface Drainage System

The general idea behind subsurface drains is that they are placed beneath the top layer of soil. This removes excess water from soil at the root level that has become water logged. If roots sit in water too long, they will begin to deteriorate and eventually the plant or tree will perish from too much water. The process to install subsurface drains requires digging deep ditches and installing pipes underground. A large collector drain must also be installed so the water can be collected from the pipes. In most areas a sump pump will also be required in order to push the water through the pipes. These can cause disruptions in the soil and the natural aeration of the soil as well as plant respiration. This is also known as the French drain.

Downspout and Gutter System

The downspout is connected to the gutter system on a building or home and carries water away from the roof down to the ground.  The shape of the downspout pipes can be round or rectangular and are comprised of copper, aluminum or steel. The purpose of the downspout is to catch the water from the gutters and divert it to the ground. Most downspouts will empty out on a slope so the water will not pool at the base of the downspout.

Slope Drainage System

Slope drains allow water to generally take its natural course away from the structure and with the aid of pipes moving down a slope. A pipe is installed and then anchored into a small incline where the water will follow gravity through the pipe and away from the structure. The pipe can be metal plastic, steel or concrete and will be covered with a sturdy grate to keep people and animals from falling into it.

Residential drainage systems are a requirement for any home or building as it will prevent flooding, rot, mold, mildew and structural damage from too much water. Usually drainage issues can be spotted and then easily remedied. Even if water has not pooled or flooding occurs there could still be a slow leak that will cause extensive damage. The general rule is that all homes should have a gutter and downspout system in place. If additional drainage systems need to be added, then research each one and pick the best option for the home. If necessary, consult a professional before installing or having a system installed.


Designing of drainage system

Implementation of drainage system

Operation and maintenance of drainange system

Drainage systems designing is based on the principles of geotechnical engineering and controlled by geotechnical software.


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