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Construction/implementation of watertight concrete


Construction/implementation of watertight concrete

Due to the necessity of implementation of structural sealing in industrial and construction projects and advantages of our exclusive technology in construction and implementation of watertight concrete, compared to conventional methods such as insulating coating (moisture coatings), insulating membranes (geosynthetics) , and current waterproofing , our company is ready to offer its own capabilities and technology for projects that need sealing, chemical protection with durability and high operating life.

Intruder Detection System is the latest achievement of our industry for sealing and protecting concrete. 

Watertight concrete is applied to concrete to protect it from surface damage, corrosion, and staining. They either block the pores in the concrete to reduce absorption of water and salts or form an impermeable layer which prevents such materials from passing. Consequently, it is obvious that sustainable, efficient and durable sealing system that is not affected by changes in the environment is crucial.