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This type of geosynthetic, in addition to the formation of a layer of polyethylene, is capable of storing a variety of materials such as sand and clay in sewn bags from heavy geotextiles with different dimensions and portability.

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This type of geosynthetic, in addition to the formation of a layer of polyethylene, is capable of storing a variety of materials such as sand and clay in sewn bags from heavy geotextiles with different dimensions and portability. 

This kind of geosynthetic  with more than 30 years in hydraulic engineering applications in prevention and control of erosion in coasts and river walls and create water dams are a good alternative to traditional systems and materials.

Application of Geocontainer

- Construction of coastal sea walls instead of using traditional methods

- Construction of breakwaters in the sea

- Construction of temporary structures in an emergency circumstances with the low cost and short time

- As a protector to prevent damage and erosion along rivers in river engineering applications

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